Monday, 23 February 2015

Reminder: NETWORKING NIGHT on Thurs March 5th, 2015 6:30-8:00 p.m.

Our school council is hosting the first ever Networking Night at Blue Willow to give parents from our school, and potentially other small businesses in the community, a chance to meet and promote their products and services!
There will be a small cover charge of $10 which includes some food and refreshments. Address: 250 Blue Willow Drive, Woodbridge
Deadline for registering is Friday Feb 27

Everyone will have an opportunity to talk about their business and mingle!
                   Contact the school at (905)851-0043 to register and get more information. 

Reminder: PINK DAY on Feb 25

On February 25, 2015 we encourage everyone to wear something pink to show that we are all working together to prevent bullying in our schools, in our communities and online.  PINK SHIRT DAY originated in 2007 at Nova Scotia H.S. where two students decided to take a stand against bullying in their own school.

Measles Fact Sheet

York Region and Community Health Services letter

Friday, 20 February 2015


On February 25, 2015 we encourage everyone to wear something pink to show that we are all working together to prevent bullying in our schools, in our communities and online.  PINK SHIRT DAY originated in 2007 at Nova Scotia H.S. where two students decided to take a stand against bullying in their own school.

Parent/Caregivers Workshop of children 1-8 years of age

Bounce Back & Thrive!

For parents/caregivers of children one to eight years of age.

Bounce Back & Thrive (BBT) is a 10 week evolving evidence-based resiliency skills training program for parents with children under 8 years. BBT skills help parents help their children build the resilience necessary to handle life’s inevitable bumps in the road and make use of opportunities to grow and learn.

This ten week series led by York Region Public Health Nurses (RNs) is designed:
- To help you and your children “bounce back” from everyday stresses and hard times
- To relieve stress and calmly solve problems and conflicts
- To help your children handle disappointment, anger & frustration
- To help your children feel good about themselves, confident and hopeful about the future.

Location: Anne Frank Public School
431 Ilan Ramon Blvd., Vaughan L6A 0X2
When: Every Monday starting March 23 to June 8,2015
7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

(Please note that there will not be a class on Monday April 6 & Monday May 18th due to the statutory holiday’s)

Light refreshments will be provided.
To register and for further information contact:
Oksana Majaski, Community Resource Facilitator
Email: Phone: 905-738-5497 ext. 213

This program is brought to you by Anne Frank P.S. in partnership with York Region Public Health and York Region District School Board.

Monday, 16 February 2015

Networking Night at Blue Willow

Our school council is hosting the first ever Networking Night at Blue Willow to give parents from our school, and potentially other small businesses in the community, a chance to meet and promote their products and services!
There will be a small cover charge of $10 which includes some food and refreshments. Address: 250 Blue Willow Drive, Woodbridge

Everyone will have an opportunity to talk about their business and mingle!
                   Contact the school at (905)851-0043 to register and get more information. 

Friday, 13 February 2015

Triple P Positive Parenting Seminar

Kids don’t come with an instruction manual! Many familiar parenting problems have very simple solutions that can be applied with some effort and focus. Triple P’s easy-to-understand and practical strategies have been shown to help families in all types of situations.

Location: Westminster Public School
366 Mullen Drive, Thornhill L4J 2P3

Free Seminars and Dates

March 25, 2015 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
The Power of Positive Parenting
 Ensuring a safe engaging environment for children
 Creating a positive learning environment
 Using assertive discipline
 Having realistic expectations
 Taking care of yourself as a parent

April 22, 2015 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Raising Confident and Competent Children
 Encouraging respect and cooperating
 Learning to be independent
 Learning how to develop healthy self-esteem
 Learning how to be good problem solvers

May 13, 2015 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
Raising Resilient Children
 Recognize and accept feelings
 Express their feelings appropriately
 Build positive feelings
 Deal with negative feelings
 Deal with upsetting or stressful life events

To register and for further information contact:
Oksana Majaski, Community Resource Facilitator ,
Phone# 905-738-5497 ext. 213 Email:

Friday, 6 February 2015

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the Blue Willow Blog, newsletters will no longer be printed.  
Please continue to check our
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*Community Services


Staying Cool in the Winter


On Friday February 13, we will be selling

 Ice Cream Sandwiches at lunchtime for $1.50

School Council Meeting

Please join us on Monday, February 9th from 6:30 -8:00 p.m. in our library.  

Agenda: Sub-committee Reports (Networking Night, Lunch Program), Parent Question and Answer, Roundtable Discussion on Child Protection, Indoor Recess, Bully Survey results

Packing Lunches and Snacks

When packing snacks and lunches, we ask that you use plastic containers rather than glass. Also, containers should be easy to open.

As you know, we have ‘Boomerang” lunch at Blue Willow. This means that students are bringing home all leftover food and packaging from their lunch and snack.   Aside from being an environmentally friendly policy, this practice helps you to determine appropriate portion size for your child. 

             Snacks such as apples, cereal and vegetables are available in the office on most days should your child be hungry at school.

Kiss and Ride

Each morning more than 30 students arrive late to class as a result of being dropped off too late in our Kiss and Ride Zone.   Indoor supervision of students begins at 8:10 a.m.   Parents, we are asking that you make every effort to arrive by 8:15 a.m.  This should give you plenty of time to get through the Kiss and Ride line up.

Also, we are reminding you that the drop off and pick up spot is the yellow pole.  Following the rules keeps the traffic moving and helps ensure the safety of our students.  Students who arrive late miss important lessons and disrupt the learning of others.  Your support is much appreciated

Please remember that students are not permitted to enter the school before 8:10 a.m.

Lunch Assistant Needed

We would like to hire an additional lunch assistant.   This job involves supervising students while they eat lunch in their classrooms and play outside from 11:55 a.m. -12:55 p.m.   The successful applicant must have a Vulnerable Sector Screening within the last 6 months and a statement of good health from a doctor.    The position pays $10.75 per hour.  Please call the school for more information.  

Monday, 2 February 2015

P.A. Day on Monday, February 2

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